Projects: |
PROSOPOGRAPHY RESEARCHModern History Research Unit, University of Oxford |
PROSOPOGRAPHICA ET GENEALOGICAOccasional Publications General Editors: K. S. B.
Keats-Rohan (Oxford,
Prosopographica et Genealogica is a new series of scholarly monographs and collections of papers on aspects of medieval prosopography, including onomastics and genealogy. If you would like your manuscript to be considered for publication in Prosopographica et Genealogica series, please email the Centre a sample chapter of your manuscript, abstract and a short biographical statement. Submissions by modernists are especially welcome. Current TitlesVol. 1: Criticism
and Critique: Sidelights on the Konradiner Vol. 2: Continuité gentilice
et continuité familiale dans les familles sénatoriales
romaines: mythe et réalité Vol. 3: Onomastique
et Parenté dans l'Occident médiéval Vol. 4: The Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem. A Dynastic History, 1099-1125, Vol. 5: La
Noblesse du Midi carolingien: Etudes sur quelques grandes familles
d’Aquitaine et de Languedoc
du IX au XI siècle (Toulousain, Perigord, Limousin, Poitou,
Auvergne) Vol. 7: Resourcing
Sources. The Use of Computers in Developing Prosopographical Methodology,
Vol. 8: Die gens Ausoniana an
der Macht. Untersuchungen zu Decimius Magnus Ausonius und seiner
Familie Vol. 10: Kings, Chronicles
and Genealogies: Studies in the Political History of Early Medieval
Vol. 12: Naming
Patterns in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem Forthcoming TitlesVol. 6: Prosopographie, Pouvoir et Politique en Poitou (fin IXe -début XI siècles), by Jan H. Prell †, ISBN 1-900934-05-1 [available late 2004 or 2005]. Vol. 9: Ou sont les femmes? Prosopographie des femmes des familles princières et ducales en Italie méridionale 774-1100, by Thierry Stasser, ISBN 1-900934-08-6 [available 2005] If you wish to place an order for any of the volumes above you should email the Centre or email Dr. K.S.B. Keats-Rohan. |
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©University of Oxford The compilers were Dr Katharine S. B. Keats-Rohan with the assistance of Dr Olga Borymchuk and Jacquelyn Fernholz. |