A Tutorial



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Third Stage

Third Stage - Analysis
The accumulated data form the basis for a third stage, i.e. specific analyses of their contents, which look for correlations among the data, for example, relating to social mobility, career structures, nature and function of kinship in political and social institutions, etc. The documents brought together in this Tutorial are rich in names of persons and places. The many names can be analysed in terms of many individuals between whom there is some connection. The documents are primarily linked by one place and by the members of one family over a relatively short period of three generations, but careful investigation of all the names will reveal numerous overlapping groups of people (networks) between whom there are different connexions, such as family, lord-vassal links, membership or patronage of an ecclesiastical community. Analysis of these networks should throw light on the social structures within which these people lived and operated.

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©University of Oxford

The compilers were Dr Katharine S. B. Keats-Rohan with the assistance of Dr Olga Borymchuk and Jacquelyn Fernholz.